Building Project Vote, Dec. 12
The vote passed 70 to 16. Thank you for supporting this project!
Project At A Glance
- Proposed Project Cost: $9.1 million
- Estimated Tax Rate Increase: 0%
Voters will be asked to go to the polls on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023 to vote on the proposal that carries no additional tax increase. The majority of items proposed in the building project are related to critical infrastructure repairs and upgrades. These items are largely behind the scenes projects that are necessary for the proper maintenance and safety of the school. And, because the school was built in 1938, many of the structural components have exceeded their useful life and are in need of replacement. Other pieces of the project are focused on upgrades needed to preserve or improve safety measures in the building and throughout the campus for students, staff and visitors. These include:
- Replacing the original sanitary waste pipes throughout the building. The pipes are made of cast iron, which haven’t been industry standard in more than 50 years. They have been repaired numerous times throughout the years and are in jeopardy of failure. The iron build up inside the pipes, which is common with cast iron, is beyond removal and has reduced the actual water flow due to build up and corrosion.
- Renovating the most aged, worn down group bathrooms and turning them into multiple single-use facilities. This includes replacing cracked and worn tiles; installing new fixtures and lighting; and upgrading ventilation.
- Installing lights on the athletic field. In addition to improved safety that comes with field lights, the district can now host more home games, run evening practices, etc. with the extra use of the field.
- Continuing asbestos abatement, which has been an ongoing project. This includes proper removal and disposal in various locations throughout the building.
- Upgrading the auditorium, such as replacing the outdated stage and house lighting with industry standard, energy-efficient lights. Replacing the worn, cracked auditorium lobby floor that could eventually become a tripping hazard.
- Improving exterior safety, such as repaving the bus loop and repairing the sunken areas of the parking lots. Currently, hazard cones are used to warn pedestrians and drivers of uneven ground and sunken pavement near drainage grates. Other improvements include replacing the deteriorating mortar on the main building and accompanying sidewalks.
- Replacing 75 classroom and hallway doors. Currently, there are six different styles of interior doors, many of which do not align with current industry safety guidelines (i.e., glass panes, key entry). The new doors will all be uniform, meet current safety standards, and come equipped with a key-less entry system.
Estimated Construction Timeline
- Tuesday, Dec. 12: Vote Date. Polls are open from noon to 8 pm at Avoca CSD
- January-May 2024: Design Phase
- May 2024: Scope and Plans Submitted to State Education Department for Review
- Winter 2025: Gather and award construction bids
- Spring/Summer 2025: Construction begins (anticipated)
- Fall 2026: Project complete (anticipated)

How were the items in the proposal selected?
Posted by:The district’s Facilities Committee which is comprised of staff, parents, Board of Education members, and taxpayers, met several times to review and discuss the findings in the district’s 5-Year Building Condition Survey. From there, the committee prioritized addressing critical needs and how best to preserve district assets all while keeping the cost of the project at the forefront.
How can there be NO additional tax impact?
Posted by:The district will be utilizing $1,000,000 from its Capital Reserve to offset the local share of the building project. These monies have been set aside over time specifically for the purpose of helping pay for capital improvements. State Building Aid will cover the remaining $8,105,000 of the associated project costs.